Friday, 9 October 2020

A Pleasant Lockdown

 To have a good time during the lockdown you can :

- To learn a new language ! Yes, we have plenty of time, so why not revise?

- Start a series, why not update yourself on the new series that have just been released? so let's go !

- To play sport, after television, it is necessary to move a little.

Xan Riche / Nino Queru

Monday, 5 October 2020

teenagres and cellphones  

teenagers and social networks



Cellphone your best friend

cellphone your best friend 

cellphones and teenagers marco et momo


Quiz : Cellphones by Charles and Opaline

Cellphones and Teenagers


 Me and my cell phone                                                                                                                 Adrien, Jade

Do you have cellphone?

Do you have cellphone? 

Cellphones and teenagers (Mélissa PUYRIGAUD, Bastien Legros)


Wednesday, 30 September 2020

A pleasent lockdown

Hey my fans!


For the lockdown you could start a anime like naruto or a series if you wants.

You can plays video games also on the ps4 at cod.

And the last one, you can sleep: there is few things to do so sleep!

by rayan and charly

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

A pleasent lockdowm

Improve the accessibility of medical care services via online medical consultations, and the availability to purchase basic medical pills or treatments (aspirin, flu tablet, vitamins, etc). These measures could help people to stay in touch with doctors without leaving the comfort of their house and being potentially exposed to the virus

Promote the access to social platforms to build or strengthen communities of teens in order to help them to face the isolation due to the lockdown and ensure their emotional and mental condition which can lead them into instability and depression 

Ease the access to educational platforms and train both teachers and students in order for them to interact more easily. In the event of a new lockdown ZOOM class could be organizd and direct conversations between these two parties would ensure the smoothness learning process.

Clément Teixeira et Ugo Martorelli

Thursday, 17 September 2020

A Pleasant Lockdown

 -Play video games with her friends to don't stay alone PS4 Pro Official Trailer - YouTube 

-Do sport to clear the mind ( at home )Lebenslang fit – Sport im Alter -



-Call and take care of loved ones to help each other Comment dépasser votre peur du téléphone en Marketing ...




A pleasant lockdown

Dear friends, after 3 months being in a lockdown, today we're going to give you 3 good things to do during this tough and boring time. 

First, you can spend more time with your family (mother, father, brothers, sisters...), and watch films together or play society games. You can also cook and try new recipes and share them with your family. Finally, you can take care of yourself by doing sport or doing your skincare routine.

And don't forget

Wear a Face Mask to Protect Each Other | Duke Health

Rebecca Philizot, Inès Brinjean, Alice Guldner

Don't fuss about about the lockdown

To spend a good lockdown, you can also do :

- sport 

Homme : quel sport à la maison pour perdre du poids ? - Le blog

  - spend good time with family 

Jeux en famille : évitez l'ennui avec ce guide du weekend ! -


 - read some books 

 Sélection Livres – Émission sur France Bleu Loire Océan

 France bleu

 Maore Bonson and Pablo Lissar

Tuesday, 7 April 2020

Vitamin C

Hello everyone !

This year we worked on a project. This project was about the vitamin C, we learned what its effect on is on our body and how it reacts with heat, light, and the time.

So, if you also want discover this vitamin, you can see this video :

Thank you for reading ; Bye

Aranaz Julie

Laneuse Krystel

Monday, 6 April 2020

STL project


Our project consists in replacing the bulbs of the lamps, which are for the most part sodium lamps, with bulbs which recreate light chimiluminescence.
So we studied how it would be better for our environment.
It is important to know that the light produced by our lampposts “destroys” the fauna and flora. After much research we realized that what we will handle to obtain are blisters and harmful or toxic products, but only if they come into contact with nature.
We carried out about twenty experiments in order to find the ideal time and to measure the intensity of the light produced.
For this we mixed 0,1 g of luminol with 150 ml of soda and 2,5 ml of hydrogen peroxide then we mixed part of this solution which we called the luminol solution with a catalyst, So we tried several catalysts and at different amounts each time.
The best time we got was 7min25s.

Baradat Hugo, El moussadiq Kawthar, Jablonski Océne

Thursday, 12 March 2020

DARWIN Bordeaux

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during us school, outing we visited many things with the STL classe's. I think my favorite  visit was the DarwinEco Systeme representative and the subject was very  interesting it was the tidales turbines the project that's is wath it was my favorite subject.
Résultat de recherche d'images pour "hydroliennes"



Label: Hight school André Malraux

    - We can found the BTS in a Mourenx's hight school and at Bordeaux too. This BTS is for the people who love chemistry and practical work, take initiative, work in a team, be independent, curious and critical.

  Qualities acquired

     - With this BTS you can acquired professional skills in synthesis, analysis and formulation and you can acces to the professional world fast.

Further studies

     - Thanks to that, after the studies (BTS), we can professional degree on the analysis, cosmetics, perfume, composites, formulation. The others possibilitys are masters in science and technology. or you can go in a inger school like Montpellier, Bordeaux, Clermont-Ferrand.

 Professional opportunities

     - We can work like quality control in production and quality control of product design and development.The jobs includes production quality control analysis technician, synthesis technician, research and development analysis technician. The BTS let us acces to the sector of chemistry, perfumery, cosmetics, paints, automotive.

Visit of Mourenx lab

     -We saw many labs with a lot of laboratory stuff. Their equipment cost over millions. And they got a room for all type of experiment. In the schedule of the students, they have many hours of experiment ( 7h of synthesis, 7h of analyse)

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "bts métiers de la chimie mourenx"
Pako Cabrejs
Charles Lacolombe



1 STL in Bordeaux

A piece of theatre: A BRIGHT ROOM CALLED DAY

Maryam and Elorri in Arkema

 Informations of Arkéma during our travel.

Arkema it's a big factory in Mont.
At Arkema he produces:
-Production of polyamides
Orgasol- The polyamid orevacsstrung

On the site of the produced the lab cot it's minority they recommended blue clothing for them it's was more appropriate, however, the security of employees it's important but also the a clean environment and the property.

They work at the night and at the day, so at night they are 110 employees, and at the day they are 153 employees.
In the factory they are 224 men and 36 women.
In total they are 263 employees.

there is a picture of us on arkema, they published this picture in the official website.

Elorri and Maryam.

Maureen Labeyrie

Emilie de Châtelet 

The protrait of Emilie de Châtelet is Méca  in Bordeaux, she born 17 febery 1706 and she dead 10 septembre 1749. She know mathematique, physical and philosophy and she was frist intecletuality French. She were scientist and she meet Voltaire in the Opera. She understood the science to Voltaire.

Mister Nounou

During of the school travel in Bordeaux, we are look two yhrater repreentation and we are going to tell you about
of the Mister Nounou.

Mister Nounou is a theater representation when fits in the register comic. The history of the theater representation where Mis Nounou search one babysiter for the children of Mister  Nounou and Mis Nounou.Mis Nounou love their notary.Mis Nounou and the lawyer are interrupted through Mister Nounou. The notary hides in the room of baby. Mis Nounou said to Mister Nounou than the new babysiter is arrived. The notary it is disguised in babysister english. From their, more humor settles down until than the notary can go out the house of Mister and Mis Nounou.

The principal actors are:

Mister Nounou
Mis Nounou
Medard is  a  male major
Nestor is baby
Justine is first babysiter
Balivet is a notary

Adrien Angella and Killian Nazabal.

BTS chemistry profession

BTS chemistry profession

This BTS lasts two years, It takes two years to complete after a general scientific-oriented bac or an STL technological bac who prepares in initial training but also in work. We can do this BTS in Bordeaux or in Mourenx. Three main functions exist: production, quality control and research and development. After this the jobs are very diverse: technician of quality control analysis in production, synthesis technician, formulation technician and many more. After this BTS we can also continue studies instead of going to professional track. we can do: A professional license in the chemical , parachemical or pharmaceutical industries is also a possibility. There are many, example :
- pro chemistry license: formulation
-license pro analytical chemistry, control, quality, environment . Lucas Jade
Lartigau Emilie
Résultat de recherche d'images pour "bts métiers de la chimie"
Résultat de recherche d'images pour "bts métiers de la chimie"

Prépa TPC

     In January we went to Bordeaux in order to visit a lot of possibilties for our futur. We are going to present the preparatory class TPC.

     We can go to the TPC after a PCHS (Preparatory Class to High School), a STL technologic class, a SPCL (Science Physical and Chemistry in labroratory) or after a biotechnologie class.
We can study in a TPC class in four French city : Talence, Montpellier, Saint-Maur-des-Fossés and Mulhouse. 
The present subjects are : maths, physical, chemistry, informatic, english, sport, TP and french/philo.

     After a preparatory class, a student can go in a engineering school of chemistry or physical, he can go in a IUT/INP chemistry or physical, he can go in an enterprise in order to start to work and he can reorient himself in another studies.

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This is the high school from Talence.

LEGROS Bastien