Friday, 11 November 2022


color creation with primary and secondary colors

To do this expérience, we have need a white light as well as 6 different plastic filters which represent the 3 primary colors which are red, blue, green as well as the 3 secondary colors which are magenta, yellow and cyan.

this experiment shows how to create colors with the primary and secondary colors.
To create these colors we put 2 color filters in front of the light which create a new color. Let's take an example, if we put a filter of a primary color like red in front of the white light then a blue filter, when we bring together the blue and red beam we obtain a secondary color which is magenta. Then we do the same with the other primary color and we notice that its creating the secondary colors. Conversely, using the secondary colors gives the primary colors.
We notice that if we gather the beams of light from the three secondary colors we obtain black, conversely if we gather the beams of light from the three primary colors we obtain white

mayana TSTL

Thursday, 10 November 2022

How to make a rainbow

To make this rainbow we used a white light, a cover with a slit and a prism.
For a better result we did this experience in the dark. The light refracts when it travels at an angle into an environment with a different refractive index and the prism as a different refractive index than the air so when the light shines trough the prism it diffract and make a rainbow.

Wednesday, 9 November 2022



Hello everyone, today I will present additive synthesis of colors with plastic filters. when we add the 3 filters Blue, Red and green the 3 primary colors in physics, we can obtain white light like the sunlight, because the sunlight superimposed all colors that exist. on the picture we add blue filter and red filter in order to obtain magenta color, is secondary color in physics however in painting the magenta a part of primary colors.

in the second picture we add blue filter and green filter in order to obtain cyan, is secondary color in physics but like magenta is primary color in painting.

in the last picture we add red filter and green filter in order to obtain yellow, the secondary color in physics but in painting is like magenta and cyan are secondary colors. So if add primary color filter each other we can obtain secondary color.

Emma and Xan

Colors by Gabriel

Colors by Gabriel


This photo represent the additive synthesis, with primary colors, blue, red and green.


                                  And this photo represent the substractive  synthesis,with the secondary colors, yellow, magenta and cyan

To finish, we have the decomposition of the light, with a prism, and we can see a rainbow.

                                                                                                        Gabriel Marchiset, Terminal STL