Friday, 12 December 2014

Wolf to Whales ?

Wolf to Whales ?

During the week of Sea Ambassadors Mr. SOULIER become to talking about the evolution of whales. We learning to the wolf is the whales ancestor and the whales to the species of cetaceans.

  representation of a Mesonyx ( The wolf)

 representation of a Protocetus ( The whales)

The species has left the terrestrial environment to return to the aquatic environment.

Finally we learning how to study the whales today :
 -The Method of marking / tagging of cetaceans

-The Genetic typing

-The Marking capture, which allows among others to estimate the population of the species.

Diving is important to recognize a species. The species can dive as deep as possible is the :

Now we estimated that about had ten of thousands of species to survive without protection.  Fortunately today with the standards ,it can make with a few thousand species.The hunting of whales is banned today for all species.We hope to keep this diversity for many years , and maybe learn to see how they evolve !

Surf rider foundation.

Tuesday afternoon, from 3.30 to 5 p.m. We went there by ourselfs, it is located next to the gare of biarritz, it is a big blue building.
Surfrider foundation was created in 1990 by surfers in biarritz
They told us about pollution of the ocean and the possible risks that could effect us if we keep on polluing as much as we are right now. They told us that they defend the see by action like cleaning the beatch. They also try to convince the smallest that they are the one who can change the world. 
We can do some benevolat over there.

Sea museum

The sea museum
The seal's aquarium
Last week, on Thusday , we went at the sea museum of Biarritz. We had a conference about species we don't have the occasion to see. This museum has a lot of expositions and different species. A seal's aquarium is on the roof and the visitor can see their lunch. We saw an exposition of abyss giants species like big squid or goblin shark. We met a doctor in Bio marine who work in IFREMER  have talked about Gascogne Gulf species.

Paul Beucler / Charles Maze

ocean city

The friday 5th of december we went to the ocean city.
Here we met a  woman called Peggy Bergeron, who talked about the byss, the differents species in this, the IMMENSITY  of this place, the number species uncovered and there strange particularity and all the risks that they can incur.

After this she let us gone, and visit Ocean city. In this one, there is a lot of differents acitivities and cultural thinks. But when we gone, they were itinerant exposition who talked about the abyss  too.
Sunscreens, makeup, shampoo... the skin absorbs 60%! And women have 515 chemicals products on the skin each day! Moreover many cosmetics damage the corals and even the ocean in general.
What solutions can exist?

EQ company has developed natural products such as apricot kernel oil, they don't take bad substances for humans and the environment.
Official website: 
We going to give you some tips about cosmetics :
     For protect your skin and the planet, take products with the logo "BIO". Use products with a latin name in the ingredients because it's natural.
     You shouldn't use cosmetics with this ingredients: petrolatom, paraffinum,
-one word (dimethicone), -ane words, PEG, PPG, BHT, BHA, paraben.  
    If an ingredient starts with Ci ...., it's a unsafe ingredient but if an ingredient starts with Ci 77 ..., it's natural and with any dangers.
A exemple of naturals cosmetics : sunscreens by EQ (EVOA is the name of organic product line)
Eva Hirigoyen, Joëlle Balmès

Thursday, 11 December 2014

Last week we met our friends from Greece, it was a cool experience because i've personally never met Grec and they are really smart too.
We ask them some questions about their school, christmas and a lot of other things.
It was interesting because their way of life is not the same as our, like they finished school at 2pm every day and they can eat whenever they want to.
They also told us how they celebrate christmas in Greece and it's the same in France exept that they decorate boats.

Friday, 5 December 2014

How to turn sea water into drinking wate

For the this project I worked in group with Cédric. The subject was proposed by Mr. Moulat our physics professor and he talked about the differents way to transform sea water into fresh water.
First we  filtered the seawater in order to separate sand from water. Then we distillated the water to get water with no mineral salts. At the end we measured the contentration of calcium ions (Ca2+) and magnesium ions (Mg2+) with mineral water (Contrexeville). The name of the experiment is colorimetric dosage
Colorimetric dosage

Taking a photo with a bottle

We are 2 partners working on this project: Léa Degos and me. 
We have chosen this subject because for me I would like to be a photagrapher and for Léa it's original and she likes this idea to take a photo in a different way!
Taking a photo with a bottle is in the principe of a pinhole.
The operation of this device is similar, on principle, to that of the eye.
When we look at an object, it reflects light rays enter the eye through a hole, the pupil, and reversed image forms on a screen, the retina.
We have made a pinhole camera with a bottle: - we cut the top of the bottle
  - we paint in black inside of the bottle
 - we put a light sensitive paper inside
 -we make a little hole in front of the paper
We try to take a photo of one tree in our hight school and we have to develop our images.This picture is in negative.
To develop a photo we need: -4 baths ( developper bath, stop bath, fixer bath and water bath)
                                               - A safelight lamp
                                               - a dark room
In the futur, we have to transforming our negative picture in positif. We have to explaining to you how we do this!
A vidéo to show you how to develop a picture :


Coloring agents in sweets

Our project is about coloring agents in sweets. It consists of analysing the composition of coloring agents in sweets, the dangers and the diseases of coloring agents for human body.
We did experiments to discover what the coloring agent of the Smurf is. For this experiment we needed chemistry equipment (for example beaker, spectrophotometer, colorimeter...).
We made a Smurf solution to compare with other solutions of blue coloring agents in order to know what coloring agent is in the Smurf. When we find the good coloring agent ("blue Patenté V") we searched the concentration of coloring agent in one Smurf. For that, we made a scale of differents tints and we drew a curve of calibration to know the exact concentration.

Composition and Temperature of stars.

For this project, our team is Benoit and Jimmy, and our goal is to find the composition and temperature of stars. Our question is: The diferent compositions and temperatures between the sun and Vega. We found an experiment to discover the temperature of the sun with the law of Wien and that was a success because the sun temperature's surface (photoshere), is 6000 K (Kelvin or Degrees is the same because the temperature is too hot to see a difference, Kelvin= 273+°C), and we found 6100 K. We found an other experiment for composition but for the moment it was a failure and not finished. The material necessary is a white light, arc condenser, a lens, a slit, salt in ethanol solution (to burn), a prism and screen.
 Here we have a video of the composition of stars. And with the last experiment, which recreates how we made the Newton telescope.

In the second part, we had a school outing with Mr Moulat to use a telescope and to find an other star and compare it with the composition and temperature of the sun. For this we used a Newton telescope.

 Now all we can do is wait.