Friday, 5 December 2014

How to turn sea water into drinking wate

For the this project I worked in group with Cédric. The subject was proposed by Mr. Moulat our physics professor and he talked about the differents way to transform sea water into fresh water.
First we  filtered the seawater in order to separate sand from water. Then we distillated the water to get water with no mineral salts. At the end we measured the contentration of calcium ions (Ca2+) and magnesium ions (Mg2+) with mineral water (Contrexeville). The name of the experiment is colorimetric dosage
Colorimetric dosage


  1. Very interesting!!!

  2. My name is Elenh Mavropoulou , thank you for the amazing project!

  3. I think this is the best project of this year because we really need sollutions like that for our planet
    Eva and Charles


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