Friday, 12 December 2014

Wolf to Whales ?

Wolf to Whales ?

During the week of Sea Ambassadors Mr. SOULIER become to talking about the evolution of whales. We learning to the wolf is the whales ancestor and the whales to the species of cetaceans.

  representation of a Mesonyx ( The wolf)

 representation of a Protocetus ( The whales)

The species has left the terrestrial environment to return to the aquatic environment.

Finally we learning how to study the whales today :
 -The Method of marking / tagging of cetaceans

-The Genetic typing

-The Marking capture, which allows among others to estimate the population of the species.

Diving is important to recognize a species. The species can dive as deep as possible is the :

Now we estimated that about had ten of thousands of species to survive without protection.  Fortunately today with the standards ,it can make with a few thousand species.The hunting of whales is banned today for all species.We hope to keep this diversity for many years , and maybe learn to see how they evolve !

Surf rider foundation.

Tuesday afternoon, from 3.30 to 5 p.m. We went there by ourselfs, it is located next to the gare of biarritz, it is a big blue building.
Surfrider foundation was created in 1990 by surfers in biarritz
They told us about pollution of the ocean and the possible risks that could effect us if we keep on polluing as much as we are right now. They told us that they defend the see by action like cleaning the beatch. They also try to convince the smallest that they are the one who can change the world. 
We can do some benevolat over there.

Sea museum

The sea museum
The seal's aquarium
Last week, on Thusday , we went at the sea museum of Biarritz. We had a conference about species we don't have the occasion to see. This museum has a lot of expositions and different species. A seal's aquarium is on the roof and the visitor can see their lunch. We saw an exposition of abyss giants species like big squid or goblin shark. We met a doctor in Bio marine who work in IFREMER  have talked about Gascogne Gulf species.

Paul Beucler / Charles Maze

ocean city

The friday 5th of december we went to the ocean city.
Here we met a  woman called Peggy Bergeron, who talked about the byss, the differents species in this, the IMMENSITY  of this place, the number species uncovered and there strange particularity and all the risks that they can incur.

After this she let us gone, and visit Ocean city. In this one, there is a lot of differents acitivities and cultural thinks. But when we gone, they were itinerant exposition who talked about the abyss  too.
Sunscreens, makeup, shampoo... the skin absorbs 60%! And women have 515 chemicals products on the skin each day! Moreover many cosmetics damage the corals and even the ocean in general.
What solutions can exist?

EQ company has developed natural products such as apricot kernel oil, they don't take bad substances for humans and the environment.
Official website: 
We going to give you some tips about cosmetics :
     For protect your skin and the planet, take products with the logo "BIO". Use products with a latin name in the ingredients because it's natural.
     You shouldn't use cosmetics with this ingredients: petrolatom, paraffinum,
-one word (dimethicone), -ane words, PEG, PPG, BHT, BHA, paraben.  
    If an ingredient starts with Ci ...., it's a unsafe ingredient but if an ingredient starts with Ci 77 ..., it's natural and with any dangers.
A exemple of naturals cosmetics : sunscreens by EQ (EVOA is the name of organic product line)
Eva Hirigoyen, Joëlle Balmès

Thursday, 11 December 2014

Last week we met our friends from Greece, it was a cool experience because i've personally never met Grec and they are really smart too.
We ask them some questions about their school, christmas and a lot of other things.
It was interesting because their way of life is not the same as our, like they finished school at 2pm every day and they can eat whenever they want to.
They also told us how they celebrate christmas in Greece and it's the same in France exept that they decorate boats.

Friday, 5 December 2014

How to turn sea water into drinking wate

For the this project I worked in group with Cédric. The subject was proposed by Mr. Moulat our physics professor and he talked about the differents way to transform sea water into fresh water.
First we  filtered the seawater in order to separate sand from water. Then we distillated the water to get water with no mineral salts. At the end we measured the contentration of calcium ions (Ca2+) and magnesium ions (Mg2+) with mineral water (Contrexeville). The name of the experiment is colorimetric dosage
Colorimetric dosage

Taking a photo with a bottle

We are 2 partners working on this project: Léa Degos and me. 
We have chosen this subject because for me I would like to be a photagrapher and for Léa it's original and she likes this idea to take a photo in a different way!
Taking a photo with a bottle is in the principe of a pinhole.
The operation of this device is similar, on principle, to that of the eye.
When we look at an object, it reflects light rays enter the eye through a hole, the pupil, and reversed image forms on a screen, the retina.
We have made a pinhole camera with a bottle: - we cut the top of the bottle
  - we paint in black inside of the bottle
 - we put a light sensitive paper inside
 -we make a little hole in front of the paper
We try to take a photo of one tree in our hight school and we have to develop our images.This picture is in negative.
To develop a photo we need: -4 baths ( developper bath, stop bath, fixer bath and water bath)
                                               - A safelight lamp
                                               - a dark room
In the futur, we have to transforming our negative picture in positif. We have to explaining to you how we do this!
A vidéo to show you how to develop a picture :


Coloring agents in sweets

Our project is about coloring agents in sweets. It consists of analysing the composition of coloring agents in sweets, the dangers and the diseases of coloring agents for human body.
We did experiments to discover what the coloring agent of the Smurf is. For this experiment we needed chemistry equipment (for example beaker, spectrophotometer, colorimeter...).
We made a Smurf solution to compare with other solutions of blue coloring agents in order to know what coloring agent is in the Smurf. When we find the good coloring agent ("blue Patenté V") we searched the concentration of coloring agent in one Smurf. For that, we made a scale of differents tints and we drew a curve of calibration to know the exact concentration.

Composition and Temperature of stars.

For this project, our team is Benoit and Jimmy, and our goal is to find the composition and temperature of stars. Our question is: The diferent compositions and temperatures between the sun and Vega. We found an experiment to discover the temperature of the sun with the law of Wien and that was a success because the sun temperature's surface (photoshere), is 6000 K (Kelvin or Degrees is the same because the temperature is too hot to see a difference, Kelvin= 273+°C), and we found 6100 K. We found an other experiment for composition but for the moment it was a failure and not finished. The material necessary is a white light, arc condenser, a lens, a slit, salt in ethanol solution (to burn), a prism and screen.
 Here we have a video of the composition of stars. And with the last experiment, which recreates how we made the Newton telescope.

In the second part, we had a school outing with Mr Moulat to use a telescope and to find an other star and compare it with the composition and temperature of the sun. For this we used a Newton telescope.

 Now all we can do is wait.

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Comet 67p/churyumov-gerasimenko

A comet is a big rock. Humanity has always been interested and sometimes afraid about comets. A comet is composed of rock, dirt and ice and we can find this amazing object on the coldest and darknest part of solar system. These incredible comets are composed of 70% of water and smell like... rotten eggs, alcohol, vinegar. There is no gravity around comets and that was the problem for Rosetta mission. Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko is very important because maybe we will find origins of humanity. Rosetta was sent ten years ago and landed on the comet the 12th November 2014 !

Sunday, 23 November 2014

New data from Rosetta

Rosetta is the name of a mission created by Eurepoean Space Agency (ESA). Its objective is to find informations about the origin of humanity. For this mission, Rosetta took a little robot inside, its name is Philae.
Rosetta's journey started the March 2nd 2004. The August 6th 2014, Rosetta started to go to the comet. Philae was loaded the November 12nd 2014. The end of Rosetta's mission will be in December 2015.

Rosetta's journey

Rosetta had to travel 6 billion kilometers to arrive at the comet. Rosetta passed in front of the Earth, Mars and 2 asteroids with the gravity . The name of the comet is 67P/Churyumar-Gerasimenka because it has been discovered by 2 Russians scientists. The mission of Rosetta is to learn more about the comet. Lots of people have always been interested in comets or afraidby them. It's the most difficult mission ever done because the speed of the comet is 40 000 km/h like the speed of a bullet.

New data from Rosetta

Rosetta is the name of a space mission and it is a project of the European Space Agency (ESA). It took 10 years to Rosetta to reach the comet. The name of this comet will be the one of  two Russians who are Churyumov and Gerasimenko : the name of the comet 67P / Churyumov-Gerasimenko. In the picture above, you can see the element that landed on the comet the 12th november 2014; this element is called Philae. It's a science's revolution !

New data from Rosetta

Rosetta arrived in orbit Churyumov-Gerasimenko of Comet 67P November 12, 2014, after a journey of more than 10 years. She sent a probe on the comet named Philae. It is installed without difficulty but harpoons did not work which slowed slightly data taken on the ground and accelerating energy loss during drilling, which resulted in a "hibernation" of the probe and cut all communications with the earth. Scientists predict a total stop of the mission in December 2015.

Saturday, 22 November 2014

New data from Rosetta

Rosetta is a name of mission in the space and is a project of European Space Agency (ESA). The journey of Rosetta began the 2nd March 2004. The objective of Rosetta is to find informations about the origins of humanity. Rosetta is a space probe to lead a little robot on the comet. The name of little rob is Philae and is fit out 10 object to analyse the composition of the ground of the comet for example, one spectrometer and one magnetometer. Philae land with two harpoons to set Philae on the comet. The scientist of ESA have much hope on the little robot because the information of the comet are very important for ESA. The end of the Rosetta and Philae mission is planned in December 2015.

New data from Rosetta

Rosetta is a spacecraft and it's the firt mission to orbit and land on a comet : 67P/Tchourioumov-Guérassimenko. Rosetta was built in 1993, it was launched on March 2nd 2004. In 2010, Rosetta is left in abeyance and reactivated in January 2014. In August 16th 2014, it begins its operations.
The November 12th 2014 is an historic day : Rosetta realeases the atterisseur Philae who settles on the comet (more than 10 years after the launch). Philae has to analyze the composition of the ground, the temperature... The end of the mission is planed in December 2015.

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Rosetta spacecraft

TSTL, your next assignement on Rosetta spacecraft should be posted on the blog by Sunday 23rd November, 8 pm. In class, you must have chosen one topic among the following 3:
  1. Rosetta 's journey
  2. Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
  3. New data from Rosetta
Illustrate your post with a visual.
Length of your post: minimum 8 lines
Title of your post: the topic of your post.
Label: Scientific Breakthroughs
Good luck to all!

Friday, 3 October 2014

Our headmaster

Paul and Me ask questions at the director of the hight school about his job. 
1) How long have you been the director of Malraux ?
   _I have been the director of Malraux for 2 years.
2) Is it the first time you are director?
   _Yes it's the first time I am the director of an high school , before I was director in a school.
3) Can you explain your job?What are your activities ?
  _ I have lots of activities in the school. I organize everything; I also do all I can so that the class could be more confortable for the teachers and the students.
4) How long do you work every weeks?
  _I work 12 hours a day in the week and 6 hours on the saturday morning.
5) Why did you choose this job?Are you satisfied by this job? 
  _I was a mathematical teacher during 18 years , and now as a director I am in charge of the school and I like it.

Miss Pastor's interview

Last Friday, we met Miss Pastor, the librarian, and we asked her about her job.
"What's your name ?"
"My name is Sabrina Pastor."
"What is your role in this library ?"
"I help students in their documentary researches and medias education and I manage the library."

"What is your typical day ?"
"I receive classes, I help students in their documentary researches. I manage the daily press. I register books and I work on different projects with other teachers."
"Do you like your job ?"
"Yes, I love my work because I like helping students and I like working in a book environnement."
"How many years did you study ?"
 "I studied five years."
"How long have you been in a library ?"
"It's my first year."

miss Etchepare

After presenting myself, I asked several her questions that she answered too. I am going to give you a topic of her answeres. I started by asking her in what does her job consist in? She told me that, she was responsable of the pastoral office, and the monitors. She is also responsable if the students are present or absent. She talks with the teachers to make sur that everything is alright or not. After that I asked her, what certificate or diploma do we need to access her job. Her job requires to pass a contest, a few years more of studying after the "BAC". My following questions was, why did she chosen this job? She answered me, because she likes the contact that she has with the students. (that's why she's so nice). Then I asked her if she liked her job? She told me yes, because here there is a great contact with the students. And that was it.

Friday, 26 September 2014

Alexander Fleming

Alexander Fleming
1) When did Alexander Fleming discover penicillin?
2) During what war was penicillin used for the first time ?
  a) World war I
  b) World war II
  c) Korean War
3) What is exactly penicillin?
   a) a bacteria
   b) a coccus
   c) a mucoraceae
4) How did he realize the presence of penicillin?
   a)A strong smell escaped from its cultures
   b)colors of its staphylococci had changed
   c)A circular area in which the bacterium did not grow was present around the mold colony
5) What was he cultivating when he discovered penicillin?
   a) Eucaryote
   b) staphylococci
   c) Nénuphars

James Watt

James Watt

1. When was he born?
   a) 1736
   b) 1836
   c) 1936

2. Where was he born?
   a) Greenock
   b) Carlton
   c) Halestown

3. What did he create?
  a) The steam machine
  b) Penicillin
  c) The telephone

4. When did he die?
  a) In 1830
  b) In 1819
  c) In 1917

5. Where did he study ?
  a) At Glasgow University
  b) In Oxford
  c) At Adambra University

Please, write your answers in the "comments" section. We shall answer you soon.

Alexander Graham Bell

Alexander Graham Bell

A. What did he invent ?
a. the Iphone
b. the telephone
c. the micro-wave

B. When was he born ?
a. in1847
b. in 1997
c. in 2010

C. How many nationalities has he got ?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 5

D. What unit was created in his honor ?
a. Bel
c. Watt

E. What was he initially attracted by ?
a. by Science
b. by Music
c. by Cooking

Please write you answers in the "comments" section.
We shall answer you soon.

the interview of laboratory assistant

With my partner Eva , we went to the laboratory in order to interview the laboratory assistant.
We asked her five questions :

1.What type of studies did you do? She did the same studies as we do : STL.
2. How long have you done this job ? She ahs done this job for 14 years.
3.Why have you chosen this job ? She chose this job because she loves it.
4.What do you like in this job ? She likes the contact with the students and getting everything ready for the teacher experiments ( like on this picture )
5.Do you prefer physics or chimistry , Why ? She doesn't like physics and chimistry , she prefers Biology.
                                          We don't know is name, she anonymous!

Our chemistry teacher

Me and my friend Joëlle we interviewed our chemistry teacher:
-"What's your name?"
-"My name is Ms Luminati."
-"Where do you live?"
-" I live in Bayonne"
-"Why have you chosen this job?"
-"I had to choose between many careers: between being an engineer, a researcher or a teacher. I chose teacher because I enjoy being with students, to explain, to tell stories about chemistry and physics."
-"What do you like and hate about this job?"
-"I love the contact with young students, being with young people and I love when  students' eyes say: "I understand" I enjoy to share  my knowledge. What I like the least is correcting tests.
-"When did you start teaching?".
-" I started teaching in 1998 in Lyon".
-"How many years did you need?".
-"I needed  between 4 and 5 years after the BAC exam".

Our English teacher !

So, we needed to interview one staff member of the school, we chose our English teacher.
Here are the questions we asked her :
What is your (full) name ?
 -My English name is Martina Mathis cause in English Martine it's a boy's name.
But in France my name is Martine Mathis.
Where are you from ?
-I'm from Grenoble but I stayed 6 years in India before teaching in Malraux.
How old are you ?
-She "noped" us :)
What job do you do at school ?
I teach English, and I try to teach science ... cause I don't like repeating the same things... but science is harder.
How did you become a teacher ?
-I studied and took an exam... and I spent 2 years in the USA.
How long you've been working here ?
-It's my third year here.
What exam did you pass ?
-CAPES but now you  need to have a masters to  be teacher.

Friday, 19 September 2014

my presentation

Hello! my name is Margaux Seguin. I'm 16. I live in Saint Martin de Seignanx. I was born in Bayonne the 10 july on 1998. I chose Laboratory Science and Technology beacause I love experimenting and chemistry. On the photo I' m a girl of the bottom, in the middle. I wear a white tee-shirt. kiss :)

My presentation

Hi! My name is Joëlle Balmes and I'm 16. I was born in Bayonne the 10 April 1998. I live in Tarnos, a little city near Bayonne. I chose Laboratory Sciences and Technology (STL) because I love experimenting and later I will have a lot of job openings and I love chemistry. Moreover there aren't a lot of years of studies. On the picture, I'm the little blond girl with the America's flag on the shirt. I'm the 5th person standing.
This is the beach of Biarritz!!!

Me, myself and I

Hello, my name is Antoine and I am 15 years old. I was born in Paris, where I lived but I moved to Biarritz when I was 11 years old. I practice american football with James O'Neal. On our class photo, I am at the right oh the big men called Lucas. I chose STL (Laboratory Science and Technology) because I don't like theory, I love experimenting and inventing.

That presentation !

Well... my name is Maxime I come from André Malraux High-School LST Section !
I'm 16th, I live in Arcangues (somewhere lost in France)  and I chose LST section cause I love Laboratory things and maybe because I'm not really good in Mathemactic :3  ...
For the information, On the photo I'm the one stand up, with the white shirt !
Cya !

My presentation

I'm Charles Maze, I study on André Malraux High-School on the Laboratory Sciences and Technology section.
I'm 16th and I live in Arcangues. I chose this section cause...I hope I'm good in sciences and I love it and I'm really really REALlY weak in french or other languages...
On the team photo I'm at the right at the bottom, in blue.

My name is Lucas

Hello, my name is Lucas, I'm sixteen and I have lived in biarritz since I was born. I'm not difficult to find, I'm the tallest on the photo "Dream Team 2". I've chosen Laboratory Sience and Thecnology because I like chemistry and I want to do many experiments. I think I have made a good choice.

my presentation of me.

Hello, I am James

I am 15 year old. I live in Biarritz it's a surfers' town :). I play American football with a classmate Antoine Glory, I surf and skate. It has been 4 years since I have lived here. Before, I was living in Paris since I was 3 months old. And before that, I was born on the 11/06/1998 in Dallas/Texas USA. Then every summer I go there to visit my Dad and my family. I live with my mom, grand-mother and older sister. I have chosen Labatory science and Technology (stl), because a scientifque would of been to hard for me. With this diploma I want to be an enginer in the American Navy. It has been my dream since i was little. On the picture, I am kneeling, I am on the first row, wearing a shirt, on top of a white shirt with red letters on it saying:"Enjoy California", I am wearing blue pants with a pair of vans. I am also doing the surfer's sign with a huge smile.

Can you find me?

My presentation !

HI ! My name is Léa Pasternak and I am 17 years old. I live in Biarritz and my High School is Andre Malraux. I have chosen Laboratory Sciences and Technology (STL) because I like experimenting in a laboratory and I would like to work in cosmetology field later.
On the photo, I am the girl with the blue and orange pattern dress.

My presentation

HI! My name is Eva Hirigoyen and I am 16 years old. I live in Biarritz and my High School is in this town.
Its name is Andre Malraux. I have chosen Laboratory Sciences and technology (STL)  because I like very much carrying out in a laboratory.
On the photo I am the girl at the bottom in blue.


My name is Paul I live in Biarritz I chose Laboratory Science and Technology(STL) because I like experimenting. I am on the photo "Dream team number 2" at the left I'm standing with a blue skirt.

Friday, 12 September 2014

My presentation

My name is Tom AVRIL, I live in Biarritz I'm 16 years old, I've chosen the laboratory Science and Technology option because I want to do more chemistry theory and I really like to do experiments in physics. On the photo, I'm bottom left.

Friday, 6 June 2014

Basic-acid dosage

What is a dosage ?
Is to determine the amount of a chemical species.

how to make dosage?

hydrochloric acid assayed by a sodium hydroxide solution 
It is necessary to determine the concentration of the hydrochloric acid 
we will take a precise volume of solution (H+Cl-) 
to detect equivalence poured bromothymol blue.

Evolution of pH during dosage 

It is noted that the color is yellow at the start so that there is no acid,
then poured soda thus increasing pH (because disappearance of H + ions),
the solution turns blue, therefore the pH thereof is neutral,
it is called equivalence.

Friday, 30 May 2014


Alkanes are composed of carbon atoms and hydrogen atoms. Linear alkanes have the molecular formula CnH2n+2. Alkanes exist largely as a gas. As all hydrocarbons, they are insoluble in water.

Friday, 23 May 2014


This year, we studied the chimic energy in particular the combustion. We are going to present this chapter.

A combustion is a chemical transformation which produces heat. To have a combustion you need  : a fuel (wood, gas...), a combustive (air) and a source of heat. To stop a combustion it is enough to supress one of the sides of the triangle of the fire.

It exist two types of combustions : complete combustion (air in sufficiency, blue flame); incomplete combustion (incapacity of dioxygene, orange flame).

Friday, 16 May 2014

The competition in Bordeaux

With the STL class, we went to Bordeaux for an award winning ceremony in Bordeaux university. In this university, we met different classes who participated in the competition.

At the begining of award winning ceremony, a woman talked about monocrystal, then the same woman gave the awards but unfortunately we didn't win any award... When the ceremony was finished, a scientist presented a slideshow which spoke about a different form of monocrystal.

We ate at the university when the scientist has finished his slideshow presentation